1917 – Movie Review

Awesome TV · December 25, 2019 · Movie Reviews · 0 comments

By Arun Sajnani

1917 – Director Sam Mendes takes on stories from his family who fought during World War 1. Like many war films, you see the journey of a soldier fighting for humanity, and trying to survive. “1917” is a film that makes you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride, and at same time it makes you trapped and claustrophobic.The audience becomes that soldier that is on that mission. The sets and visuals are are made on a grand scale showing towns across Europe in ruins. Its like a maze and you have to get out of this mess.

   The story is about 2 soldiers of the British Army that are picked to go on a mission to tell the other regiment to immediately stand down and cancel the attack on the Germans. This will safe 1600 soldiers from a catastrophe. The film shows human triumph and loss, and still aims on finding a way to maintain peace with our neighboring countries..

   If you like films like, “Saving Private Ryan”, & “Fury”, then you will be satisfied with this film. “1917 gets a 3 and a half star recommendation. Enjoy!! Courtesy Awesome TV & BEING FILMY.

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