Anushka Ranjan, the acclaimed actress and philanthropist, is stepping into the world of film production, ready to produce her first feature film. With a rich legacy in the entertainment industry, thanks to her parents, Anu and Shashi Ranjan, who are renowned producers and the founders of the Indian Television Awards, Anushka is now poised to make her mark as a producer.
Drawing from her deep roots in cinema, Anushka is taking on this new challenge with enthusiasm and determination. While the details of the project are still under wraps, pre-production has already begun, with filming set to start early next year.
Expressing her excitement, Anushka stated, “Producing a feature film has always been a dream of mine. Growing up in a family immersed in cinema has fueled my passion for storytelling. This project is incredibly close to my heart, and I’m thrilled to bring it to life. We’re currently in the preproduction phase, and the energy is palpable. Whether my husband, Aditya Seal, or I will be involved in front of the camera will be revealed in time. For now, I focus on assembling a talented team that shares my vision.”
Aside from her production ventures, Anushka is set to appear in the upcoming web series “Mixture,” where she will showcase her versatility by taking on a negative role for the first time, starring alongside Ahana Kumra.
Anushka Ranjan’s foray into production marks a pivotal moment in her career, and audiences can look forward to the innovative and compelling stories she will bring to the screen.
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