7 Bollywood actors
In 2024, several Bollywood actors made a lasting impact on both the big screen and streaming platforms with their captivating performances. Whether playing lead roles or stealing the limelight in ensemble casts, these actors proved their mettle across diverse roles.
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Vir Das
Ananya Panday
Ananya Panday
“Gratitude overflows as I hold the International Emmy for Best Comedy for ‘Vir Das: Landing.’ This achievement is a testament to the incredible teamwork and the unwavering support of Netflix. The journey has been extraordinary, and winning this accolade for my fifth Netflix special is a culmination of passion and perseverance. This award goes beyond recognizing my work; it’s a celebration of diverse Indian stories and voices. These stories bring laughter, reflection, and unity. This victory is for India, for Indian comedy, and for the expansive community of artists worldwide who contribute to the vibrant tapestry of storytelling.”
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