Awesome TV · December 14, 2018 · Hollywood, Movie Reviews, News · 0 comments

By Arun Sajnani

INTO THE SPIDER VERSE – In the true essence of comic book style, the animation is path breaking and comes to life in the Spider-Man – Super Hero animated film, called “INTO THE SPIDER VERSE”. The concept takes a new step into creating a new story where a kid named Miles Morales from Brooklyn, New York, gets bit by a radioactive Spider in subway, and suddenly gets these special web powers. Only to find out there are many others like him and even Peter Parker as Spider-Man is there from another parallel universe.

   They come from other realms to unite against the Kingpin, who has a vendetta against “Spidey”.  There is a lot twists, and effects that will keep you hooked on this adventure. The animation is like eye-candy and should be enjoyed on the big screen. The film gets 3 and a half stars. Enjoy!!  Courtesy Awesome TV & BEING FILMY.

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